I love music. Plain and simple. I am a massive CD collector with a bit over 10,000+ in my collection. Growing daily. Years ago in college, I was a radio DJ and ran my own christian rock/metal/punk show on Sundays nights for a couple of years. Loved it. After college I ran an online music review site called Backbeats for a short time. I worked with record labels and reviewed new releases. Don't worry, you've never seen it or heard of it I'm sure, haha.
Was a musician for a handful of years and toured with some great guys. Lot's of great memories. Guess you could still say I am one, although I don't get behind the drums as much as I used to. Occasionally I do pick up my guitar and make a massive of amount of noise. Rocking out on the stage of thousands inside my head. I can air guitar like it's going out of style....or was it ever in style? I'm not cool enough to know, but I find it a great way to get my spirits and energy up for the day when working.
Broken Anchor Media itself originally started as my graphic design company in 2003. Then around 2007 it morphed into graphics & media. At that time I was buying tons of collections and keeping what I wanted. So, this became a great way to move out the extra items. I began selling on Ebay and built quite a solid presence on there. In 2008 I also start a drum company, Anchor Drums, and ran it along side the online music store. Eventually the part-time store slowly moved into full time. Now all these years later, we decided to open a brick & mortar store. Always wanted to be a full-time musician, but working with music daily I would say is the next best thing and it has always been a dream to have a physical store.
I am married to a wonderful hair stylist that puts up with my addiction for music and never ending pointless knowledge about bands and musicians. I could talk music for hours! Luckily she can put up with it.....most of the time. But she met me while playing drums and we have literally been inseparable ever since.
I love music. It's a soundtrack to every emotion and moment in life. Certain albums seem to document those moments in my head. I always see those memories when listening. It becomes a part of you. I want others to feel that same emotion. Hopefully through our little store, we can do that for people. Thanks for stopping by and reading. Hopefully you will find something new from us that will change your life like it has for me!